Fly Fishing education done right.
Learn fly fishing from professionals with hundreds of years of combined knowledge. We have a wide range of educational opportunities from private lessons, to fly tying classes and more. If you're new to the sport or getting a friend to join you, be sure to check out our Free Beginners Program to learn everything you need to know when you're starting out.

We’ve been teaching since we got started over 25 years ago. Since then, we’ve put together a team of fly fishing professionals with hundreds of years of combined knowledge and technique. We have the capability to instruct and improve both beginner and veteran fly anglers.
Fly fishing is far more complex than casting, knots and flies. We offer an extensive selection of classes from entomology, advanced fly casting, fly tying, rigging, leaders and more. There’s no shortage of information out there on the fly fishing sport to improve your game.
We believe that as much information as possible should be made available to anyone who is pursuing the fly fishing sport. That’s why we’ve also expanded our education to the online world, with our immensely popular YouTube channel with series like: Getting Started in Fly Fishing and Fly Casting.